What makes nights more interesting and soothing? Observing star and moon up in the sky, thousands of stars are glowing in the night sky, and many of them are visible from our site where others are not, but all are present straight above our head. With evolution in time, different types of myths and facts have been added to the story of these stars and group of stars known as a constellation. Around 80 to 90 constellations are present above our planet that can be visible from our eyesight. They are divided on either of the hemispheres northern and southern hence you are required to move certain miles to obtain a complete view of the night sky and all the stars visible from earth.
There are six to eight thousand stars are visible from our planet, these stars have formed a group in themselves known as constellations, constellations are divided into hemispheres. Therefore, observing all the stars present in the night sky from a single place is impossible. Different constellations are visible from the earth such as Orion, Ursa Major, Sagittarius, Lyra and many more others. Indus constellation is one of them, which is present in the southern hemisphere. The constellation is quite ordinary without any bright star in its structure.
About Indus
The constellation Indus is located in the southern hemisphere. It has no bright star and an ordinary constellation that represent India, formerly known as a native of Asian or American origin. This matter is about the time when the constellation would have been created for the very first time. This constellation was discovered by a Dutch Astronomer known as Petrus Plancius around the late period of 16th century. The design of this constellation made by the astronomer was a man holding arrows in his both hands. This constellation is relatively dim on comparing other constellations present in the southern hemisphere’s night sky. Brightest stars of this constellation are of the third magnitude which is the lowest value in the magnitude chart of the stars. With stars, there are several galaxies as well that are present in the arms of this constellation known as NGC 7049, 7064, 7090 AND 7083 etc.
Size and geographical location of Indus
It has gained the 49th position in constellation size chart, occupying an area of about 294sq. degrees. The constellation lies in the 4th quadrant of southern hemisphere i.e., SQ4. It can be observed from the latitudes in between +15deggrees and -19degrees. Its nearby constellations are Octans, Sagittarius, Grus, Pavo, Tucana, Microscopium and Telescopium. The constellation belongs to the family of Johann Bayer constellation. It has two stars with several known planets without any Messier objects. The brightest stars in the constellation are The Persian and Alpha indi, the apparent magnitude of both of the brightest star is notably of 3.11. The incidents if meteor shower has not been observed in this constellation.
Hence, Indus is one of significant dimmer constellation present in the southern night sky, containing dim stars and several galaxies in it. This constellation also contains several myths and conceptions based on the historical armors like many others.